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R is a popular open source statistical package that is free to all, regardless of affiliation with any university.

is a good video to follow along to for step-by-step instructions on how to download R. When asked for the region, please choose University of Berkeley option. is the direct link you will need.

SAS University Edition (Free)

SAS University Edition provides free access to SAS Studio with two options for installation on a local machine or on Amazon Web Services.

To access SAS University Edition:

    1. Go to
    2. Click “Get Free Software”

For installing on a local machine (recommended):

      1. Click Download Now.
      2. Choose between two VM packages that are detailed on the next page.
      3. Download and install one or both of the VM packages (We recommend and have had better experiences with the VMware packages).  *Make note of which one you installed*
      4. Click the Get Download link at the bottom of the page. *Make sure that you click the link that corresponds with your chosen VM software package.*
      5. You will be directed to a login page.  Sign in with your username and Password.  If you don’t already have a SAS account, click Create and follow the instructions to create a new account.
      6. Once signed in you should be at a terms and conditions page.  Read the page carefully, then click Accept Terms & Conditions.
      7. Review the order summary, and click the Download link under SAS University Edition *Make sure to download and extract this file to the download folder* (This download is nearly 2 GB and will take some time)
      8. Add SAS to the VM software package using the appropriate instruction set below:

        For Oracle VirtualBox:

        Use this PDF:

        Or watch this video:

        For VMware Player:

        Use this PDF:

        Or watch this video:

        For VMware Fusion:

        Use this PDF:

        Or watch this video:

      9.  Once you are running your Virtual Machine package, use the following site to ensure that all settings are correct.  (You may also want to restart your computer following the installation to avoid some issues.)

To use the Amazon Web Services (AWS) edition: (Costs may apply for certain levels of usage, or after 12 months of AWS free tier usage)

      1. Click the Amazon Cloud Link
      2. You do not need to accept the special offer.  Unless the services appeal to you, click “No Thanks” below the orange box.
      3. Follow the steps on the following PDF:



SAS (Paid)

SAS is available for a low yearly fee on a WSU Software Site License.  For pricing click here.

To get SAS installed on your computer, contact your department’s IT personnel once a license has been purchased.

CISER lab has the full version of SAS available for anyone to use,

Respect your time.

Whenever possible, we will notify collaborator(s) at least 24 hours in advance if we must cancel a meeting or arrive late.

Continuously teach principles of statistical thinking.

This means that we will provide more information than is strictly necessary to respond to your question. We hope this additional information will provide foundational learning that can be applied to future research projects.

Provide a comfortable learning environment.

We recognize that many people are reticent to seek help from a statistician. We are eager to help you and will be patient in addressing your needs.

Speak to your understanding.

As much as possible we will use common language to communicate the statistical aspects of your design, analysis, and results.

Respect your deadlines.

We will try our best to respond in a timely fashion and provide assistance under reasonable deadlines.

Help you be successful.

This means that we will try our best to provide robust study design and defensible statistical analyses with integrity and professionalism, and clarify, define, and answer your research questions.

Arrive ready to learn.

In order to ensure that engaged learning can be effective, we ask that student collaborators come to us with a basic understanding of statistics.  We ask that you first successfully pass Stat 512 or another statistics course(s) applicable to your discipline before requesting CISER assistance.